Thursday, March 8, 2012

brought to tears

So I must be hitting an emotional wall here. I know the pictures I have posted thus far have not represented this, but obviously poverty is extremely prevalent here. When I come across a beggar, I try as hard as possible not to make eye contact because when I do, I feel as though I've made a personal connection. This morning on my way to class, there was a beggar directly ahead of me. He was old, hunched over almost in a right angle staring at the ground, using a cane and extremely desperate. He was humming a tune and had one hand outstretched in my direction. There was no way to avoid him, and as I passed, I looked into his forlorn eyes. I kept walking, and with each step I took, I felt my heart growing smaller and colder. I stopped in the middle of the street and began sobbing. Sobbing because I couldn't make myself turn around and give this man money. And sobbing because I felt really small in this huge world. 

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