Thursday, January 26, 2012

dream too big

"The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough." Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Liberian President)

I find myself contemplating this profound statement. I am intimidated by it, yet I feel empowered at the same time. My dreams surely scare me but I know that if I am not threatened by them, I have little to lose by failing to achieve them. The dream that awaits me is my 4 month program of study in Rabat, Morocco. 

I leave for Rabat in just 4 days and I have yet to begin packing or preparing in any way. However, that is how I operate. Until I sense urgency, I will most likely sit back and watch as time passes. I am so anxious to begin my travels. All of my friends are back at school in Charleston, South Carolina, and I am at home in Northern Virginia, doing a whole lot of nothing. 

I have been blessed to be able to travel the world as much as I have in my 20 years. My parents wanted me to experience as much as I could and I can't remember a time they have said no to a trip that I asked to go on. From school trips to Canada and France, to family vacations in Scotland, England, Germany, Austria and Mexico, and my own travels to Sierra Leone, saying that I am humbled by my experiences doesn't begin to describe how grateful I am. 

My next trip, for 4 months to Morocco, is a test for me. I am confident in my ability to seek the world, but I can't help but wonder if the world is seeking me...

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