Tuesday, January 31, 2012

up, up and away

I have had few thoughts since leaving...in all of the surreality of spending the next 4 months in North Africa, I have forgotten to, or rather, I'm not allowing myself. The thoughts I have had, however, have been profound in some nature. They are as follows:
1. I have my own row on an internation flight. I am ecstatic. How often does this happen? I better be able to feel my Tylenol PM.
2. Foreign babies cry differently than American babies. It sounds like a, "riiiiiiya, riiiiiiya", and not a simple, "wahhhh".
3. Traveling alone invites a lot more conversation that I'd expected. When I attempt French, I am greeted with, "ahh, English, I'm sorry!" And I want to yell, "I'm leaving America for a reason! Parlez francais avec moi, maintenant!"
4. I am the only living, breathing creature in my terminal (8 hour layover). This is what loneliness feels like.

The woman who sat across the aisle, who is also lucky enough to rule her own row, is an older Muslim woman, who speaks only Arabic. She cannot walk without assistance and has encountered some issues with the flight attendants. She is very sweet and we have shared some gestures in attempts to communicate. She also welcomed herself to touching my food when she wanted to indicate to the attendant that her food tray was missing a banana-chocolate cake square. Good think I don't like bananas.

Well, another flight and I will finally be in Rabat! I couldn't be more excited.

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